Laver Blog Post

Hello there! Welcome to another week of fun and learning in Team Laver.
On Monday, the classroom looked a little different as we had our Victorian school day! The children experienced the daily life of a Victorian school child. We consolidated all the learning we've done over the past few weeks and even learnt some new things too! Some children were naughty and had to wear the dunce cap, girls tried on bonnets and the teachers looked very different! It was such fun!
We have now started a new topic in Learning Means the World called "Never East Shredded Wheat!" We launched this topic by practising our skills with a compass. Arthur challenged himself and travelled North, East and then North again!
This week in English we have started our new story 'Bonkers about Beetroot'. On Thursday we used our senses to explore the beet error and create adjectives to describe it. Ruby said "it smelt like rotten eggs", Reenie said it was "dark red and swirly" and Musadeq said it was "dirty". Brilliant adjectives everyone!
In Maths, we have been using our numbers bonds and ten frames to find ways to make 20. Did you know 20 has 2 tens and this can help us to figure out all the additional number sentences that equal 20. Today (Friday) we are going to have a doubles hunt around the playground!
In Art, we have been making Thaumatropes. The children showed fantastic skills in cutting, sticking, listening to instruction and construction. They did Westwood (our DT curriculum creature) proud! We loved creating this Victorian Toy! Special shout-out to Hollie-May for her determination and independence to create her Thaumatrope.
Finally, in RE we are continuing to explore the story of Easter. This week we are considering the emotions that a Christina feels when thinking about the events of Holy Week.
Please see below for some pictures from our jam-packed week of learning...