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Ribble's Class Blog

A brilliantly busy week in Ribble.

This week in Ribble we have had another busy five days. We have been developing our skills in handball. We have been focusing on encouragement as a core skill in games with teamwork. On the other hand, in gymnastics, we have unlocked some new moves. We have loved showing each other new tricks to try and our skills to keep practising. 

In Learning Means the World we have been focusing more on women's football and how this has changed over time. Rather than the history this week, we have been focusing on what omens football looks like today. We created presentations to encourage keen female football players to start a club. The presentations were amazing! 

We can't forget to mention that we have finished our Guided Reading book. We have loved reading When We Were Warriors by Emma Carroll. The themes throughout the story have really engaged Ribble - we have delighted in following the story of Stan, June and Maggie. This week we have looked back in our books to see if our original predictions of the plot where correct. I think we were all shocked! 

So, as you can see, it has been another brilliantly busy week in Year 5. We can't wait to see what it brings!