Welcome to Spring Term 2025!
Welcome back! We have had a very busy week exploring winter!
This week we have been finding out about winter. We explored the snow and the ice and talked about how it felt and sounded. Etta explained, “It is cold, and it crumbles.” Theo explained, “It is cold and crunchy.” We read the story That’s Not My Snowman and painted pictures of snowmen, made snowman collages and described our snowmen.
In English we read the story ‘Ketchup on your Cornflakes.’ We enjoyed retelling the story and mixing the story up. We were all able to think of our own silly questions for our class book. Isaac asked “Do you like ice cream on your toast?” Theo asked "Do you like sauce in your bath?" Georgie asked “Do you like spaghetti on your apple?”
In Maths we have been counting 1, 2, 3 and recognising and matching numerals to amounts.
In Phonics we listened for the ‘d’ initial sound in words and could sort picture cards into words that started with the ‘d’ sound and words that started with a different sound.
In Learning Means the World we have started our new unit, ‘Food, Glorious, Food.’ We talked about what foods we like to eat for breakfast and shared this with the class.