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Spa Class

Welcome to Spa Class Blog!

This week in English we continued to read the story ‘Off to the Market.’ We talked about the tropical fruits in the book and talked about making fruit kebabs. We wrote a shopping list and listened for the sounds in the words. We looked at a pineapple, kiwi and mango. We could describe the fruits. We thought the pineapple was spiky and rough. The kiwi was fluffy and tiny and the mango was smooth and very cold!

In Maths we have continued to look at patterns. We have made our own repeating patterns and spotted errors in patterns. The children were then able to correct the repeating patterns. 

In Phonics we have been singing the nursery rhyme Wind the bobbin up.  We identified rhyming words and tapped the syllables in words. We listened for the ‘C’ initial sound in words and could sort picture cards into words that started with the ‘C’ sound and words that started with a different sound. 

In Learning Means the World we made our fruit kebabs. We all did very well at trying the different fruits and pushing the fruits onto our kebab sticks. We also peeled carrots very carefully before eating them!

On Friday we celebrated Lunar New Year. We found out about why it is celebrated and how it is celebrated. We made Chinese dragons, lunar new year cards, lanterns and dancing dragons. We also read the story The Great Race and found out how each year got it's animal name.