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Physical Education

My name is Mrs Knight and Mr Brightwell is my PE buddy! As PE Subject leads, we are passionate about ensuring the very best provision is in place for our pupils.

Our PE curriculum provides children with a wide range of learning opportunities which inspire, engage and enthuse. Children are taught the skills and knowledge that enable them to participate in a range of physical activities, become physically literate and lead healthy and active lives. 

Children take part in 2 timetabled PE lessons every week. These are based on:

  • Games
  • Dance (planned as part of The Learning Means The World curriculum)
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics
  • Swimming

Over the year, children are taught a range of units from each area, with swimming and water safety being taught in Year 3.

In addition to this, children also benefit from a 'health and fitness' unit. This is designed to support children in their understanding of how to keep themselves healthy and links directly to children's learning in science, PSHE and DT (cooking). 

As children progress through their learning, they build a range skills and knowledge, from which they can draw on at the end point of each unit. For dance and gymnastics, this is usually a group presentation and, for games, this demonstrates participation and competitiveness in a game situation. 

Over the year, as part of their PE lessons, all children take part in a variety of House Competitions. This ensures that all children gain a greater experience of being in a game situation and can earn their House some points too!

We aim for wide participation in sport and seek out opportunities for children to try a range of different sports for enjoyment as well as to experience wider involvement in competitive sport.  

Nutrition and exercise have a huge impact on both physical and mental well-being and our curriculum is designed to support children's knowledge and understanding of this. 

Trinity Trot

All pupils regularly participate in the Trinity Trot (formerly known as The Daily Mile!). It is a great opportunity to get active and class staff often join in too!

Meet Bolt! 

Bolt is an athlete. Athletes are excited by sports; they focus on developing their skills, improving their performance and enthusiastically participating in sport.