Pupil Premium Grant Statement 2023
Pupil Premium Funding 2023
Pupil Premium Aim:
- Raise achievement and close the gap between those children eligible for free school meals, pupils from service families, looked after children and their peers
At The Federation of Holy Trinity Church of England Schools:
Pupil Premium is funding given to schools in order to address the inequalities between those pupils eligible for free school meals, those from families of serving military personnel, looked after children and their peers.
We disaggregate the Pupil Premium funding from the main school budget to target the groups of pupils that it is intended for. Also, the funding is spent on strategies considered to be the most effective on raising achievement.
We understand that we will be held accountable for how we use the Pupil Premium and that the achievements must be quantifiable. This will be done by using the school's performance data to compare the achievement of Pupil Premium pupils with their peers and the school’s own analysis which will include mobility and turbulence factors.
By using pupil tracking data effectively we identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual pupils and groups and then provide the relevant support that is necessary in order to accelerate pupil progress.
Every year we will publish online details of how we intend to spend our Pupil Premium allocation plus an evaluation of its impact from the previous year.
To take account of mobility the school will classify, track and consider provision for any child from one of the pupil premium groups as being in receipt of pupil premium regardless of whether the school has received funding or not.