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At The Federation of Holy Trinity Church of England Schools the safety and wellbeing of all our children is of paramount importance Parents send their children to school each day with the expectation that the school provides a safe, secure environment in which their child can flourish. All members of the Federation are committed to ensure this expectation is achieved there are a range of policies and procedure in place.

All adults who work in school have a responsibility to read and understand all safeguarding policies and to act within accordance of the Federation's Safeguarding and Child Protection policy at all times.

 We aim to ensure our children are safe through:

Universal Safeguarding  by creating safe environments. This includes site safety, safer recruitment of staff, school rules and codes of conduct and personal safety awareness taught across the curriculum. 

Our universal strategies include online safety. All of our staff and governors have completed online training with Clennell Education Solutions. The Federation uses Smoothwall to filter and monitor the internet. Alerts are sent to the Headteacher when there has been a breach and this is recorded on an incident log along with the action taken. To support schools and colleges to meet this duty, the Department for Education has published filtering and monitoring standards.  If pupils or staff discover unsuitable sites or material, they are required to: turn off monitor / screen, report the concern immediately to the headteacher, report the URL of the site to technical staff / services.  Pupils learn about keeping safe online and how to protect themselves through the PSHE curriculum alongside a calendar of whole school assemblies and theme weeks. Our safeguarding responsibilities include protecting pupils from radicalisation and extremism. This is known as the Prevent duty, and all of our staff and governors have completed the e-learning training via the government portal.

Targeted Safeguarding – by focusing on identified groups of pupils whose personal, social or economic circumstances may result in an increased risk to their safety. This may include children who are looked after, pupils with special educational needs or children who are vulnerable.

Responsive Safeguarding – by responding quickly and appropriately to situations where pupils may potentially suffer or have suffered harm. All staff are required to follow our child protection procedures should there be any concerns regarding any pupil in our care.

The Federation of Holy Trinity Church of England Schools adheres to all North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children's Board procedures. The Federation will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their child. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the Federation will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures). The schools will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. 

 Designated Safeguarding Team

Mrs Sanderson Designated Safeguarding Lead,  Mrs Bell-Walker Deputy Safeguarding Lead