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Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Information


At times some children need extra help in school. Children who experience difficulties may fall into one (or more) of four areas:

Our staff are trained to use many different approaches to teaching and learning so we can meet every child’s needs, including those with SEND. Our SENDCo Mrs Penny  has many years of experience supporting children with SEND and is in school every day supporting staff, children and families.

If you tell us you are worried about your child, we will observe them closely and work with them to see what may be causing any difficulties. We will share with you what we find out and what we will do next. Most children’s needs will be met by high quality teaching in class by our staff.


Some children need extra help to keep up with their classmates and may be included in interventions. Fewer children will need a personal plan with targets which are monitored by the SENDCo. Very few receive individually funded support by the Local Authority through an Education Health and Care Plan.

If your child is being monitored on the Special Educational Needs Register we will let you know. You can expect to meet your child’s class teacher once a term to discuss targets and support, or more often if you would like. If we think another agency could help us to meet your child’s needs you will be asked to give your consent. People we already work with

  • Educational Psychologist
  • North Yorkshire SEND Hubs (Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social Emotional and Mental Health and Physical and Medical)
  • NHS Health Services (Speech therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy)
  • Just B (offering emotional wellbeing and bereavement support)
  • Thrive (promoting positive mental health)

Being a parent is a tough job and if your child is struggling in school it can feel overwhelming. If you need someone to talk to your child’s class teacher will always be happy to meet with you. If you think you need more support Mrs Penny our SENDCo, Mrs Bell-Walker our Deputy Headteacher or Mrs Sue Sanderson our Executive Headteacher would all be happy to help.

Special Educational Needs Disabilities Co-ordinator: 

Mrs Jane Penny

North Yorkshire SENDIASS offer free, impartial advice, information and support to families of children with SEND. T: 01609 536923 E:  

North Yorkshire’s Local Offer for SEND contains lots of information and support.  

Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA)


If you feel you need to make a formal complaint about our SEND provision  please refer to the Trust Complaints Procedures.