Litton Class Blog
We can't believe another week has gone by in Year 6 and we are only 1 week away from the half term holidays! What a jam packed week we have had!
Litton Latest News
We can't believe another week has gone by in Year 6 and we are only 1 week away from the half term holidays! What a jam packed week we have had!
Spring feels like it is finally on its way this week and the smiles and energy around Year 6 has been lovely to see.
Three words that mean so much to us in our school and in Litton class.
Happy New Year Litton Class and what a snowy start to the new year we have had! It has been wonderful to see everyone back. We are very excited to welcome a new member to our class. We have a new Teaching Assistant. Welcome to Tanya and Mrs Broadhurst!
Our final few days of 2024 in Litton class have been very memorable indeed - special memories made to last a lifetime.
It is feeling very festive here in Litton class this week and yet despite all of the excitement, Year 6 continue to work very hard in all of their learning.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Litton class this week with our advent calendar, candle and Christmas tree all being met with much excitement!
We cannot believe how quickly this week has flown by in Litton Class!
Well it's been another busy week here in Year 6 with so many different things to report!
Another super week here in Litton class!
Welcome back Litton Class! This week we have returned to school full of energy after our half-term break and ready to take on new challenges in our learning.
Welcome back Litton Class! This week we have returned to school full of energy after our half term break and ready to take on new challenges in our learning!