Litton Class Blog - 31st January 2025
Spring feels like it is finally on its way this week and the smiles and energy around Year 6 has been lovely to see.
We have started our new geography topic in Learning Means the World entitled, 'In your Element'. As part of this we have delved into atlases and found out lots of information of geographical features of the UK. We have also learnt about rocks and minerals and were delighted to go on a rock hunt outside. Lewis even found fossil! In maths, we have been finding fractions of amounts and used our skills to play a game of 'Would you Rather...?' We have continued our English work on Villains and Superheroes and have been writing sentences using modal and imperative verbs. We've been very impressed and can't wait to see the children's final piece of writing next week. As part of PE we have also been very lucky to take part in some golf sessions in the hall run by Ripon Golf Club. As of now we are very excited to be getting ready for the disco - we are sure it will be lots of fun and can't wait to see Mrs Gomes on the dance floor!