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World Book Day

Full CalendarSchool Events

This event will take place on 07/03/2024

World Book Day

Our annual World Book Day celebrations will take place on Thursday 7th March. This year, we are going to have a ‘bedtime story’ theme! We are welcoming all children to come to school dressed as their favourite book character, or, as an alternative, children can wear their pyjamas and dressing gowns, ready for a bedtime story! As always, we would be delighted to see the children bring their favourite books with them too (please make sure they are named as we often have several copies of the same favourites!). 

As part of the day, we will be enjoy various book-themed activites to raise the profile and love of reading! They will be thoroughly immersed in all things booky! 

We will again run a ‘Great Trinity Book Swap’ as this has proven incredibly popular in the past. Donations of used books can be dropped off at school beforehand, or children can bring them to school with them on the day. All children can then ‘swap’ an old book for a ‘new to them’ one to bring home as their own!  

In addition to this, we will be running the very popular ‘Trinity Book Café’ where we encourage family and friends to come into the hall on both sites and enjoy time with their children, friends and favourite books! Donations of cakes, biscuits (and any sweet treats) can be dropped off at both sites on Wednesday, the day before, or on Thursday morning. We will then open the hall doors to welcome visitors in from 2-3:30pm. Cakes will then be ‘sold’ for donations and any proceeds will go directly back to buying books for the children. 

Also, on World Book Day, we will be launching a new reading initiative! We will be challenging the children (and adults!) to read 24 books in 2024! We will report back with our progress! 

The kitchens on both sites have been busy preparing special book themed lunch menus for the day. The menus for both sites are available to view oon the school website.