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  • Author - Grace Olson visits school

    Published 18/07/24

    The children in the Infant School, along with Y3 and Y4 from the Juniors, enjoyed hearing the first few chapters of Grace's new book, 'Merlin find his Magic'. They loved hearing all about how Merlin the sheep helps Grace with her therapy work with very poorly people, and found some of the cheeky antics that Merlin gets up to very funny.

    The children were astonished to find out that sheep make fabulous friends for humans!

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  • BoostFest!

    Published 06/07/24
    A huge thank you to the Boost team at Holy Trinity Church for organising such a fantastic BoostFest! Lots of children from both schools joined in the festival fun last Wednesday on the school field! 
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  • Defibrillator Delight!

    Published 19/06/24
    The Juniors School Pupil Governors were excited to discover the defibrillator has been installed outside Holy Trinity Church. Pupil Governors held a cake sale to raise money to support Holy Trinity Church to purchase the defibrillator.
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  • Litter Patrol

    Published 19/06/24
    Scarlett was delighted to unpack her surprise parcel to discover the litter pickers she had requested have arrived! Scarlett noticed a lot of litter had blown on to the school site so she organised a litter picking club to tackle the problem! 
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  • A Special Visitor

    Published 12/06/24
    We were delighted to welcome Allison Clark this morning! Allison spoke to the pupils about her unique role as a Ripon Hornblower! We were surprised to learn that Robert's father made the horn that Allison uses to set the watch each night. If you
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  • Good Vibrations!

    Published 24/05/24

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  As part of their sound science focus, Aire class experimented with a drum and dry rice!  Ask a member of the class  what they discovered.

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  • Good Bye!

    Published 24/05/24

    Good Luck to Ruth & Alison! Sadly, today we said goodbye to Ruth and Alison our fabulous cleaners. They are moving on to exciting new roles working in a nursery and care home.

    We will miss you! 

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  • TT Teacher Rock Stars!

    Published 24/05/24

    Today staff embraced their inner rock star status as part of our National Numeracy Day celebrations! 

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  • Butterfly Release!

    Published 16/05/24

    Wakeman and Hornblower visited the Wildlife Area to release their butterflies. This was a very special moment as the children have watched their butterflies hatch from eggs, grow into caterpillars then emerge from chrysalis as butterflies!





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  • Good Luck Year 6!

    Published 15/05/24

    We are so proud of our Year 6 pupils this week as they sit their SATS! All the pupils have been so enthusiastic and determined! Thank you to all the staff for their tremendous support ... and fabulous SATs breakfasts! 


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  • Year 5 Field Work

    Published 14/05/24

    Ribble & Wensley enjoyed an exciting day of field work around Ripon!




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