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Reports and Benchmarking

Reports and Benchmarking 

Data relating to the school's performance and comparisons to national standards and the latest school inspection reports can be found by following the links provided below.

If there are aspects of these reports, or information contained in these pages that you would like to discuss with school, please contact Mrs S Sanderson (

Website Link Website description
School Performance - Junior School

KS2 SATs Results

The Department for Education requires that schools publish assessment and performance information for all Key Stage 2 pupils. 

Please click the link for the most recently published data.

Compare our School (learning) National comparisons including performance (not representative of current year).
Compare our School (finance) National comparisons including budgets (not representative of current year). 

The Federation of Holy Trinity Church of England schools does not have any employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10, 000.


You can access information regarding the schools financial bench marking.

Infant School

Junior School

OFSTED - Junior School Latest OFSTED inspection report
OFSTED - Infant and Nursery School Latest OFSTED inspection report
OFSTED - Monitoring Report 2021 - Monitoring School's Response to Lockdown